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Nearly Bankrupt American Government Pours Money Into Israel Land Swindle

A nearly bankrupt American government has been pouring credit to the tune of over 30 billion dollars per year to help Israel forcefully evict local residents. Some of these people can trace their ancestry back beyond the Roman empire.

Liberals, Self-deification & Their Unique Mental Combat Fatigue

Liberals keep above the political battles by psychologically considering the other participants beneath their mental awareness level. This is a form of self-deification. The result of this liberal mind set makes them their own "self-god". This has several advantages.

Being your own "god" means you are not bothered by the common morality that bothers the lesser beings you encounter on both sides of the political spectrum. It is exemplified by the slogan of the noted democratic party strategist that states," the only immoral thing in an election is to lose the election."

News Reporters Economic Ignorance Masks Obama's Money Bungling

The fabled ignorance of newspaper reporters concerning economic knowledge is now a bigger threat to National Security than any lack of military of international political knowledge.

Republican Party Pledge to America Ignores Corruption of Liberal Judges

The Pledge ignores the most flagrant assault on the protection of citizens under the constitution. Liberal judges acting as "monsters in black robes on the bench" promote the terrorization of anyone not extremely wealthy. Because of misplaced "hand wringing sympathy", these judges become accomplices to the criminal elements. They support them with rulings that fit a philosophy but ignores common sense and written law.

Obama Income Tax Cruel and Cynical Destructive Attack on Small Towns

Obama's latest attempt to generate more money for his pet social programs is in reality a destructive attack on the poor and struggling families in small towns and cities across America. The killing of the nearly decade long Bush tax cuts hurts the smallest towns worst of all.

New York Mosque building Emir threatens USA while Obama silently hides.

On a national TV interview the Moslem Emir behind the building of a mosque skyscraper near Ground Zero threatened the USA. He told the interviewer that any attempts at stopping the construction would be considered by Moslems world wide as an attempt to put Islam "under siege". He suggested in his tome that this is dangerous and there could be violent reprisals.

Obama Immigration Policies Risk Health of USA Children

The Obama Immigration Oblivious Policy is nothing less than germ warfare toleration on USA children. It is hopefully not done by design, but more from stupidity, based on not considering long term consequences of inaction. The stopping of disease is done by isolation and treatment. "Oblivious Obama" does neither and the consequences are there for all to see from the health statistics.

Obama Immigration Policies Risk Health of USA Children

The Obama Immigration Oblivious Policy is nothing less than germ warfare toleration on USA children. If is obviously not done by design but more from stupidity based on not considering long term consequences of inaction. The stopping of disease is done by isolation and treatment. Oblivious Obama does neither and the consequences are there for all to see the from the health statistics.

Obama,the Khymer Rouge and America's Ground Zero

In a far off Asian country decades ago a leadership built on the political philosophical mind set of several French university professors came into being. One of the basic tenets was that social heaven on earth could be achieved by starting everyone at ground zero without advantages.

As is usual with university political philosophy kingdoms it did not work very well. What sounded good wan't based on reality. The attempt to make reality conform to university professor mindless babbles failed when confronted with human beings and their various mental and physical difficulties.

Obama,Crime Czar of Federal Paper Mafia

Behind the seemingly benign appearance of a genial and oblivious persona we discover the real Obama. He has created a federal criminal collection that makes the hard nosed thuggery of the Kennedy family and the Nixon presidency seem a mild threat to the county's freedom. It is like an internal parasite that is often overlooked to begin with. Only as its symptoms increase do we become aware of its potential for harm.
