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Christian minister's sloppy bible interpretations make environmental taliban extremists

By jerry - Posted on 23 April 2009

It seems that many ministers ,in their churches, are now replacing the message of God and Christian love in people's lives with a stealth paganism. By connecting unrelated phrases from different texts the new identity of a Christian is how he or she treats the manifestation of God's creation in the environment.
It used to be that humans and their treatment of each other as manifested in the "golden Rules" were the center of behavior preached in the church. Now the new interpretation is love the planet with your whole mind and heart and your backyard plants and animals as yourself. The wind and the trees and the flying birds are God speaking to your spirit. Does the religious word pantheism come to anybody's mind on this? No wonder there is a rise in the belief in the occult and and other superstitions involving the natural world.
This kind of paganism, pretending to be the new and relevant Word of God, makes a person very skeptical about the training and gullibility of ministers and their church members. But it is worse than good people being led off into some forested love embrace. It is a very dangerous drift in religious thinking because it slides the moral and ethical thinking rules of God of a Christian message.
With this Christian pantheism there is no higher value to a striving moral Christian person in this living planet called Gaia. A rodent has the same moral and ethical protections as a human being. Motivated with those inferred protections, a self professed warrior lover of nature can burn down people's homes or business. It would be a spiritually "alive" act to do so. Anyone that invades the "pristine" nature of the woodland animal or a government designated endangered animal is subject to stringent government laws backed by fines and jail terms.
Combining sloppy theology with sloppy computer science programs a government can connect any human act to some supposedly endangered environmental concern. With that we are now back in the Middle Ages when Church and State combined to rule and suppress individual liberties. The Taliban with its strict interpretation of modified old testament scripture and applied laws gives us an inkling of what might happen. What an irony that a "new age' Christian interpretation of the biblical New Testament and an old time interpretation of the biblical Old Testament could bring about a united Taliban World of suppression.

