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NFL Football & Philadelphia Eagles with Michael Vick sellout to perversion

By jerry - Posted on 16 August 2009

The prostitution of sport's values reached a new low with the Philadelphia Eagles buying someone who tortures dogs. Imagine your children in the grade school visited by the NFL heroes their impressionable minds have been programmed to idolize. Among them stands a player who hung dogs by their paws and whipped them and beat them with clubs and electric stun guns to destroy any niceness qualities the dog was bred for. What will they be thinking?
Child psychologists tell us that the early signs of a pathological personality that needs treatment is the child that brutalizes a pet. Now we have, thanks to the greed of the NFL Eagles, a message that this is okay. Talk about the prostitution of values, not just sports values. Talk about the subversion of the innocent for a football victory. This is SICK--SICK--SICK.!!!
Some sportswriters of questionable ethics themselves will say Michael Vick served his time. Yes he served a reduced sentence because of his athletic stature. He also lost his big multi-year contract. But he still is welcomed back with a 1.6 million dollar contract for starters. Is any money donated to animal shelters by the Eagles or should their name be changed to Dog Torturers, Inc. Is this enough to protect our children and their impressionable minds?
Some of the ignorant and those bought & paid "idolize the NFL because that's their job" sportswriters will say the animal can't feel pain! Dummy!!! If mammals do not feel pain why would nature give them pain cell structures like we have. Why do the dogs howl in their hurt? Why do they change their behavior in their hurt to avoid it?
A dog bred for behavior that is beaten out of them is like a 2-3 year old child whose trust and affection is beaten out of them by defective parenting. The abused child often grows up to be a viscious physical criminal. The brutalized puppy now shows the same psychological damaged traits in the dog pit arena as an adult where the "sick" patrons are placing their illegal bets.
What should we do about this sell out of decency values? What can we do to get the message that some of us do not condone this descent into BARBARISM. Answers might be these:

1. Picket the Eagle ball games with signs denouncing the management
2. Bombard the players as they enter the field of play with recordings of animals in pain.
3.Maybe they will speak to the management about their shame in being forced as contract players to participate in this alliance with Hooligan money grabbing tactics.
4.Maybe yplayers will even miss a blocking assignment so the Michael Vick gets a reminder of the sick effect of his behavior.
5.Maybe people will stop buying newspapers with reporters who sell their souls for NFL money who try to unthinkingly trivialize this sick greed behavior.
6. Maybe sports fans will demand that a portion of every game's proceeds that Michael Vick is associated with be donated to animal shelters. I am sure the animal shelters of the Philadelphia area could use a donation of 1.6 million dollars and the millions more from the game proceeds.
7. Demand an end to the use of "conscience killing" testosterone hormones in physical training programs.

