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further thoughts on why republicans will win presidency

By jerry - Posted on 23 September 2008

Why the republicans will win the presidency is logical. The first thing striking the logical mind is that the most demonized republican to ever run for president in modern times still won the heartland states and the south. This means there is a values embracing in those states that ignored all the media propaganda and the ridiculing of these values. The republicans should be thankful that the democrat campaign seems to be run by Californians or New Yorkers. They have a smug assumption that their thoughts and values are superior to the unenlighted serfs in the Bush captured states. A little mocking of them will subdue their feeble misconceptions and and make those witless ones feel guilty enough to vote as the media suggests. This is not working. A possible hint on this is the continuous cancellation of newspaper subscriptions strongly supportive of the democrat party as the election goes on.

The next thing striking the logical mind is Bush is not running again and the democrats are wasting their time trying to say he is. Only the most fanatic Bush haters buy into that and they are going to vote for democrats no matter what. The democrats need to get a program that that is something other than Darth Vader is returning so save yourself and run to the democrat party in the hills for protection. Other than hard core democrats nobody cares and those that do only remember that his vice president shot a lawyer by accident. Given the people in the states Bush won that probably is a plus for the republicans.

